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Win your basket competition terms and conditions

Terms & Conditions for Black Friday Win your basket competition.

  1. Competition held by Desmond & Dempsey Ltd UK Co No.09007844
  2. Definition of Referrer: Instagram Profile referring a friend by way of tagging in the competition post
  3. Definition of Referee: The Instagram Profile tagged by the referee by way of tagging in the competition post
  4. Entries are only valid if a unique Instagram profile(s) is tagged
  5. Entries are valid only when a screenshot of a shopping basket of up to £200 in value is sent to @desmondanddempsey via Direct message. 
  6. Prize: 1 x Black Friday Basket worth up to £200 incl VAT for Referrer plus 1 x  Black Friday Basket worth up to £200 incl VAT for Referee.
  7. Entries selected at random no later than 
  8. Entries from Desmond & Dempsey Staff, Affiliated or contracted persons and or agencies will be excluded.
  9. To qualify as one (1) single entry, each of the following conditions must be met: 
    1. Referrer tags 1 unique profile by mentioning their Instagram profile handle in the comment section of the Black Friday competition post
    2. Direct Message with a screenshot of shopping cart with up to £200 inclusive of VAT or Sales Tax on Instagram is sent to @desmondanddempsey by both Referrer and Referee. 
  10. Desmond & Dempsey does not guarantee stock availability for winning price entry will match the basket selection made by either Referrer or Referee. 
  11. Only one winner will be selected. 
  12. The competition closes at 1200 GMT on Friday 17th November. 
  13. Desmond & Dempsey reserves the right to charge shipping costs to the winner. 
Standard shipping and returns terms apply. See here for more details.